You may not believe it, but hypnosis and self-hypnosis have well documented beneficial effects on both the body and mind with an increasing number of medical professionals vouching for the effectiveness of hypnosis and self-hypnosis in assisting with the management of various conditions and ailments. Various professions both conventional and complimentary use hypnotic like text in their tools (often without realising it) for the benefit of their client’s personal development.
However (as previously discussed) to most people hypnosis is still snugly wrapt up in the myth and fable of media script writers and stage hypnotists building the image of conmen or cheap performers taking control over your conscious morals and ethics with the aim of making you do something you wouldn’t do under normal circumstances (which is a lie that pays their bills quite nicely)
In fact be it hypnosis or self hypnosis you the subject are hypnotising yourself as you are in control and give yourself permission to go into ‘that’ state (if you don’t feel ok about it, it’s never going to happen). Not only that, while in hypnosis you remain in control being able to accept or not accept any proffered suggestions or indeed deciding to come out of hypnosis anytime you want (much like pulling out of a day dream). The fear is still there however until with a little first hand experience people find out just how comfortable and indeed familiar being in hypnosis can be (so many clients of mine have agreed with my definition of the sensation of hypnosis as that heavy ‘Sunday Morning In Bed’ feeling).
For all my stage brethren and Hollywood would have you believe for nigh on all of us hypnosis and self-hypnosis is as dangerous as relaxing at your favourite beach being safe for all age groups and can be used anywhere the mind or body is involved in a particular problem, ailment or condition. The only time hypnosis isn’t advisable when a potential client is dealing with serious mental health conditions (although experienced Clinical Hypnotherapists with sufficient psychological back ground have used hypnosis when assisting clients in serious states). Overall simply spending time in the hypnotic state has wonderful therapeutic effects on mind and body.
Forgetting about any suggestion you may make for self-improvement or assistance with ailments / medical conditions hypnosis in itself is good for you bringing on improvement in creativity, mental clarity and ability to focus.
I admit I am a little biased but hypnosis in any form is the best form of self improvement a person can take on because it’s safe and completely natural (you are not bending your mind into directions that it doesn’t naturally go itself already). You are always in control with your free will always being there with you at all times. Should you strike suggestions that you find unacceptable or you sense that your personal safety is in question you can wake from hypnosis at any time clear headed and ready for action. Waking up from a deep sleep is much harder!!
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