Thursday, August 23, 2007

So what is clinical hypnotherapy??

Throughout our lives we all attempt to choose the best of options for ourselves but often the way out of a problem appears to be insurmountable or the solution we seek to the problem is unclear to the point of appearing unworkable.

Worse still are times that we choose to take the path of least resistance and seek to minimize or solve a problem in a way that is less than satisfactory due to it’s inappropriate nature or we fail to see the most obvious or sensible options. Some people fail to see our way around a problem so they feel that there is no other option than to continue to live with the problem even though the consequences of doing so may result in the disruption of their lives personally, socially, professionally or emotionally.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a different approach that can help anyone wanting to take a greater control of their lives. When practised by a well-trained, competent practitioner it is a safe, natural and effective way to help eliminate unwanted behaviours or in turn enhance a persons natural abilities.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is suitable for Adults, Adolescents and Children and can be used in Medicine, Sports, Business, Education and for Personal use, for example:
Performance Anxiety, Coaching Skills, Overcoming Barriers, Concentration and Increasing Focus, Relaxation
Goal Setting, Stress Management, Communication Techniques, Assertiveness Training, Problem Solving, Direction and Motivation
Increased Concentration, Enhanced Memory, Study Techniques, Pre-Exam Nerves
Self Esteem and Confidence Therapy, Phobias, Anxiety, Depression and Mania, Addictive and other Problem Behaviors, Sexual Problems, Eating Disorders, Psychosomatic Complaints, Pain Management

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