Monday, March 24, 2008

Shame on you TVNZ

Having seen our “premium” news service take two bites of the cherry with the Italian ‘Hypnotic Robber’ (man it must have been a slow news day). I’ll be damned if I’m not going to at least comment in my own blog …


Once again for the record HYPNOSIS IS NOT DANGEROUS. As I have previously posted hypnosis is totally safe and you will never, ever go into hypnosis if you do not feel safe. The girl concerned was the victim of an ordinary con and has taken the easiest and erroneous option namely the good old fashioned Evil Hypnotist. However in the video released by Italian police the perpetrator had an accomplice blocking the view of others in the queue while he kept up a patter and at the last moment made a reasonable grab for the till.

You the client are totally in control, not me the Hypnotherapist, you will never, ever do anything in hypnosis that you wouldn't think of doing in the conscious state and if while you were in hypnosis you were given suggestions you considered disagreeable you are more than likely come out of hypnosis on your own….

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