Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Do you love the body you’re in?

Clinical Hypnotherapy amplifies the positive. Watching a recent TV show where ordinary women were shown how to make the most of their own personal beauty (and to avoid the trap of comparing themselves with the air brushed “teenage” images of most womens magazines) it occurred to me that Clinical Hypnotherapy is ideally placed to help reinforce a faltering self image. Imagine being happy in your body not comparing yourself with anyone or worrying unduly about your shoulders, backside or legs – just loving what you see in the mirror.

At the same time consider the sudden urge to eat more of the food that’s good for you and only small amounts of the bad, or how about some suggestion to make getting to the gym that much easier. Off the shelf hypnotic CD’s and tapes most often deal with the face value requirement or symptom while a clinical hypnotherapist will talk to you extensively endeavouring to find the underlying cause of your problem. Yes if you came to see me for weight loss I would spend time with you exploring exactly why you want / need to loose weight. Sometimes it may be about an over intake of calories and before hypnosis is used we would discuss and try and work out why food is the answer. But what about women who want to loose weight when at face value they are often perfect, but feeling guilty of being and looking their age or not having the ultimate body shape but since when are genetics a crime?

Should you come and see me at my clinic I like to think that I work from the inside out (well with hypnosis we are dealing with the subconscious). Any hypnotherapy starts with gaining a great level of relaxation using a short recorded exercise that you use initiall over a period of a week to ten days. During the first session apart from a lot of discussion we concentrate on ego and confidence. Sessions following will work on a therapy written for your particular circumstances. I don’t work on the desirability to loose a certain number of kilograms but instead assisting you to attain a fit and healthy lifestyle (and in the process learning to love the body you inhabit).

Where does this get you? Well you and I know that diets don’t work long term so taking on a fit and healthy lifestyle will undoubtedly involve an amount of weight loose (depending on what your aims are) that are likely to become a natural part of your life rather than the gains of a short bout of enforced starvation. Yes you will get skinnier if you are a marathoner compared with a recreational walker but with suggestions based on confidence and ego you will learn to love your fit and healthy body in whatever form it comes.

For anyone considering seeking the assistance of a Clinical Hypnotherapist their training is the key. In addition to their skills in hypnosis, what else is covered by their training ciriculum? What is their experience and backing in the modality – are they well versed in the field? Do they have the support of their peers in the form of a strong professional society (with the expected ethical and disciplinary support). Finally do you feel comfortable with the therapist? The failure to connect at the expected client / therapist level lessens the opportunity of a successful treatment plan. A good client / therapist relationship will see the client comfortable enough to willingly provide answers to the therapists questions and empowered enough to ask questions of the therapist while they seek insight into their reasons for seeking therapy assistance.

I obtained my practicing certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy in June of 2004 having enrolled in the most comprehensive course in the country gaining my Diploma in 2006. Considering my self a complementary therapist I enjoy working not only with the established modalities but other complementary modalities giving people the opportunity to maintain their bodies holistically (by way to relaxation, nutrition etc) rather than wait for the emergence of illness. Should you have any questions regarding Clinical Hypnotherapy and what it can do for you please contact me on; or 021 059 3331

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