Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Costs of Smoking

Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in New Zealand with an estimated 4700 deaths each year which equates to roughly 10 times that national road toll. Even then this doesn’t take into account an extra 388 people dying due to the effects of second hand smoke – 100 of these that would have been attributable to the work place.

In addition to the $3000 a year that smoking would cost a pack a day smoker – money that could surely be better spent on themselves or their family the economy spends over $200,000,000.00 treating smoking related illnesses. Over all the costs to society are an estimated $22.5 Billion Dollars in lost productivity, welfare costs and costs relating to environmental damage caused by smoking.

On a psychological level smoking deprives New Zealand families of mothers, fathers, close relatives and friends due to avoidable smoking related deaths. Smoking is also the cause of 31 percent of all Maori deaths threatening whakapapa, leadership and the continued passing down of Maori culture to future generations (other cultures may well be drastically effected).

Smoking – it’s just not worth the cost

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