Monday, January 07, 2008

Turbo Charge Your New Years Resolutions

What Becomes Of A New Years Resolution? Every year people make new years resolutions, swearing to make changes to their lives only to fall back into the same old rut within a few days or weeks.

Think about some of the changes you'd like to make, behaviours you'd like to eliminate or goals you'd like to achieve going over the list to be sure you 'really' want to. You may want to take one of your goals & work through all the tips, or just choose the ones you are drawn to. Set aside some time if you wish to really turbocharge your goals, dreams & desires for a super-successful & fulfilling 2008. Remember Clinical Hypnotherapy can help you. Here is a few tips to help you .....
· As I have previously said, just don't fire off blank. Sit down and think about not only what you want from your year but what steps will help you get there. Think big to really give your aims substance and really get yourself excited by it.
· Frame your goals in the positive rather than negative for the human mind is more open to positive goals. The perfect example of this is "By ###/2008 I will be smoke free rather than " I want to stop smoking. Framing your goals in this manner makes them more compelling and easier to achieve.
· Eliminate obstacles that without your realizing maybe diverting you from your goal in the form of “secondary gain” (you benefit from the easy goal rather than your harder but more desirable target). A similar situation is when you might limit your opportunities due to limited self belief of not deserving what you want or that it’s not actually possible for you. Know that your focus has already been at work and now you are simply refocusing yourself on things that are more important and positive to you.
· Create & maintain your motivation for your goals by focusing on the benefits of achieving it in part or completely and/or the disadvantages of not achieving it.
· Detach yourself from your results a little – yes this may seem a little results in the reverse logics stakes here but when we think things have to be a certain way in order for us to be happy, it's actually a recipe for unhappiness.
· The use of gratitude to help create the positive energy that is said to attract abundance and wellbeing into you life along with the people & experiences you want (ref “The Secret”)
· Above all else accept, respect and love you – the person you see in the mirror everyday

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